Just a short post for now– I’m finding it difficult to write, but I still want to get something up before the week is over.

I love simple toys like yo-yos, marble tracks, and tops.


These were all designed from scratch in Fusion 360 and printed in white Hatchbox PLA, 0.2mm layers. (The spiral one has just two layers of eSun light blue PLA.) A marble (or 11mm steel ball– actually a Pachinko ball!) is press-fit into a hole in the bottom center, giving the tops a small durable contact point.

These spin for a long time. Over 5 minutes on the marble-weighted model! I thought  only those super-precise machined metal tops could get that kind of spin time, but it looks like it’s simpler than that. With the right designs, 3D printing has more than enough precision to make high-performance spinning tops. I’m excited to make more of these.